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How Unified Are Your Data Center Operations? - Industrial Software Solutions

How Unified Are Your Data Center Operations?

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Global data center infrastructure is expected to expand considerably over the next 5 years due to high demand for cloud IT services. In addition to the traditional challenges faced by data center operators to maintain uptime, mitigate costs and manage complexity, additional trends will change how data centers are managed in the near future to accommodate that growth requiring a new way of thinking to simplify and unify data center operations.

As more organizations embrace the cloud, a clear shift away from traditional ownership models and towards renting cloud infrastructure will become the norm. This will require increasing the visibility and availability of information monitored to ensure data centers meet their required service level agreements (SLAs).

The increased volume of data centers around the world will trigger a skills shortage with a lack of available workers to meet demand. In a recent survey of global data center operators, Uptime Institute has already seen that 38% of IT organizations are having difficulty finding qualified candidates for open jobs. Operators will want to focus on utilizing technology effectively to increase operational efficiencies and communication on a global scale with fewer people.

Awareness of sustainability initiatives and consumer desires to support sustainable business practices is driving Operators towards renewable energy and environmental recognition. Taking a holistic perspective of data center operations from white space to grey space will offer greater opportunity to fine tune costs while maintaining reliability.

This is where AVEVA comes in.

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Introducing Unified Operations Center for Data Centers

AVEVA’s deep experience with optimizing processes and people through technology has now been brought to data centers with the release AVEVA Unified Operations Center for Data Centers (UOC). This new off-the-shelf solution provides centralized information visualization, a standardized platform bringing together disparate systems and binds operations personnel with a unified perspective on how global operations are performing.

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Data center operations involve an orchestrated process combining systems like cooling, energy management, server management, security, and fire protection systems. Each function has been traditionally managed by isolated point solutions. As more data centers are built and designs have evolved over time, there is an increasing need for a higher-level overview across fleets of facilities and the various systems employed to manage data center operations around the world.

Based on a “Systems of Systems” approach, Unified Operations Center for Data Centers allows plug-in and integrated apps, analytics, CCTV videos, GIS maps, ERP systems, and DCIM integration to be brought together in context to the entire operations stream. With out-of-the-box industry solution templates, reports, dashboards, and operational KPIs unifying functional teams, departments and sites, seamlessly, under one platform, UOC enables faster time to value and complete monitoring across a single site or multiple sites.
The AVEVA Unified Operations Center for Data Centers empowers the whole team with a centralized view to help make informed decisions, fast. By bringing end-to-end operational visibility across facilities, data center operators can improve safety, operational efficiency, and ultimately the profit margins of the business.

The new release of AVEVA Unified Operations Center for Data Centers software is now available!

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